We've had a rough couple of days around here. I can't decide if Little Man is going through another growth spurt already or if he's sick. Well, actually, as of this morning, I'm pretty sure he's sick. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Little Man and I spent Friday visiting the fam up in Logan. My grandma got to meet him for the first time; I've never seen someone so smitten with a baby before. She was really cute. I got my hair cut, we got some Chinese food, and had a great time.
Saturday Little Man and I hung out at home and tried to watch conference while James went hunting with his brother out in Rush Valley. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to watch conference with a baby around! I had it on for all the sessions at least, but I didn't actually hear much of it. I was, however, struck by the difference I saw in President Monson. As Elder Holland expressed, it really was incredible to see the mantle settle over him. He was still the same President Monson that I've always loved, but different at the same time. It was really neat to be able to stand for the solemn assembly and sustain him as the new prophet. One talk that I especially loved was Elder Ballard's talk Sunday afternoon. He talked about mothers, and what an important job we have, and what other people can do to help. It was really applicable and timely, I felt.
I also went grocery shopping alone with Little Man for the first time Saturday. I strapped him to me with the carrier (our car seat doesn't fit in the cart) and he actually did pretty well. He started to fuss the last 10 minutes or so, which I can't complain about. I was really afraid I would end up ditching a cart full of groceries in the middle of the store.
Sunday we went to M and M's house to watch the rest of conference and have dinner. While we were there, I realized that Little Man hadn't made it 3 hours between feedings all day. He was eating every 2 - 2 1/2 hours instead. And he'd been so grumpy! I kind of thought it might be a growth spurt, even though he just had one a week and a half ago. He did really well yesterday, talking good naps and eating like normal. Then, at our 5:30 feeding this morning, he wouldn't eat very well and seemed really wiggly. I got some good burps out of him and he wouldn't latch back on, so I figured he was done. I laid him back in his crib and went to bed. He fussed and squacked for a little while, but never full-on cried until a little after 7. I knew he couldn't possibly be hungry, so I continued to lay there, hoping he'd work it out for himself and go back to sleep. James finally got up to get him, and I heard him say "Oh my gosh." I got up to investigate and James met me in the hallway and told me that Little Man had puked all over himself, all over the crib, and, somehow, all over the floor. I felt terrible, because I'm convinced it was my fault somehow. (Did I not burp him well enough? Did something I ate upset him?) We got everything cleaned up and I got ready to nurse him (he was starving at this point, having puked up everything he had eaten a couple of hours ago). I laid him on the Boppy pillow and was trying to get my arm out of my sweater, and he rolled off of the Boppy. Luckily, I caught him before he hit the floor. I started crying and apologizing for being the worst mom ever. I'm doing alright now, but he's still having a rough day. I think he'd feel better if he'd eat for more than five minutes at a time and take a good nap. My poor little guy!
It so surprising how fast Little Man is growing up. He's fitting into all of his 0-3 month clothes now. He gets a little chubbier every day, too. Yesterday, we really noticed that he's getting a lot better at focusing his eyes. James was sitting across the room from us yesterday and thought Little Man was looking at him. He came over and sat next to us and as he walked over, Little Man followed him with his eyes and continued to stare at his dad. We've also noticed that he watches us walk out of the room after we lay him in his crib. And he's practically a pro at holding his head up. He's turning into a big boy!
The last news to report is that James tried out for a band yesterday. He got the phone call that they wanted him to come try out late Saturday night. He spent all day Sunday (he literally grabbed his guitar and started playing even before he went to the bathroom that morning) and all day yesterday practicing and learning new songs. He got an email today saying that they really liked him and they'd like him to join the band! Yea James!
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
Of course you're not the worst mom ever! We have all felt this way - and it's not a good feeling, but don't forget that you're operating on little sleep and whacked out hormones. You're doing a great job. I hate those days when I just want it to be over so I can start new the next day. Luckily the next day always comes and it is usually better. I'm excited for James - I want to hear more about the band!
You are basically the cutest person alive. I love how open and honest you are about your adventures in motherhood. You are a wonderful mom! When I was with you and Little Man on Friday I just kept thinking how amazing you were and how I hoped that I'd be able to manage and understand my baby as well as you seemed to. Keep your chin up! You're doing fine! And tell James that I love love love that he is in a band. LOVE! I want to hear all about it.
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