Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Hate Growth Spurts

Little Man will be 6 weeks old in two days. He decided to begin celebrating early by having a growth spurt. He has wanted to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours all night long. I don't even think he slept between feedings. I barely slept between feedings. He seems to be holding up better than I am, though. His timing is a little unfortunate because we are supposed to go get our pictures taken this afternoon. I figured I'd be able to time his feedings and naps so that he'd be awake and happy for pictures, but I'm afraid my plans have been thwarted. I'm just crossing my fingers at this point, hoping that it works out ok. I really should be grateful that this is happening today, though, and not in a couple of days when I go back to work. I can't imagine being up all night, then having to go to work. He should (hopefully) be back to normal by Thursday when I go back. Heaven knows it will be hard enough without having to be sleep deprived on top of everything else.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that it's been six weeks already and you're going back to work. Good luck, sis. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make your life less hectic.

Bryanna Johnson said...

I hated those growth spurts too! Let me know if I can do anything while james is gone for you!