Little Man is officially mobile. Yikes. Last week, he learned how to roll over. Once he figured it out, it was like something clicked, and now its all he wants to do. Then, on Sunday, he figured out how to roll from him tummy back to his back. And he can put the two motions together. So he's been rolling around our tiny apartment. He's never made it too far in the few times he's attempted it, but its just a matter of time. And this morning, while he was on his tummy, he was pushing off with his legs, like he was trying to scoot. I'm in so much trouble.
Little Man turned 4 months old on Sunday. I can't believe my baby is 4 months old! But that means that we have to go to the doctor today. I'm excited to see how much he's grown, but he'll have to get another round of shots. I can't even think about it. James will be at work, so I'm on my own this time. Its going to be rough.
I'm realizing that I take a lot of pictures of Little Man sleeping. All babies sleep like this, huh?
Here are James and Little Man sleeping. These photos were taken at the same time. I thought it was interesting that they were sleeping in basically the same position.
Bathtime. Don't you love little baby bathrobes??
James was in charge of bath time last night so that I could run a movie back to the RedBox. I got home and James thought that he had made Little Man look like a rock star. I thought he looked like one of the Three Stooges.
Wow, it looks like Tiffany sneeks around the house and takes a lot of pictures of us sleeping.
I can see both a rock star and one of the three stooges--what's funny is that I can picture the exact stooge in my mind.
Oh he is so cute. I wish we got to see him more. He's getting so big! What's really funny is I have pictures of my girls that are almost identical to those with his legs hanging through the crib bars! It must be more comfortable than it looks or we just have really silly babies! Oh I miss you guys!!
I love that he's a little roller. Didn't you used to roll all over the house too....and get stuck under beds? I also am reading The Host. I hope it gets better, because it's really weird. Anyhow, maybe there's a quilt you could finish this summer...hint....hint...
I know, I know. It's one of those projects that I haven't started yet. But it's on the list. I promise.
Wow, you are in trouble if little man is already trying to scoot! Get ready for life as you know it to be over - and you just did that four months ago! Bad Stephenie Meyer news for you - another book is coming out on the 2nd of August, so you'll enter bad-mommy territory again with the rest of us losers!
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