Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Big Day of Firsts

Little Man has had quite a day. He was being a complete stinker, again, this morning. He had been playing on a blanket while I showered and was fussing when I got out. I picked him up, and he immediately latched on and started nursing. I decided that all the fussiness was because he's been super hungry. So, going against the doctor's advice, Little Man got his first taste of cereal today. I'm not sure if he liked it or not, but I sure liked him a lot better when he was done. It was like we flipped a switch. Suddenly, he was smiling and laughing again. And he even took a long, 2+ hour nap. I'm not sure if he's really ready for solids or if he's just having a little growth spurt, but it sure made a big difference today.

Little Man also got his first haircut today. I had decided yesterday that it was time, but James wanted to enjoy his long hair one more day. He also requested that he not be here when I did it. He's a little attached to the long hair. I had no idea what I was doing, but I really think it looks great! We should have done it a long time ago. You can still tell he's got a lot of hair, but it doesn't look all straggley. And doesn't he look so grown up? He's quickly looking less and less like a baby, and more and more like a little boy.

The Before.
He actually fell asleep for a minute during the haircut. At least he wasn't wiggling.

The aftermath. Look at all that hair!He had a break down near the end.

The After. Doesn't he look good?!


Bryanna Johnson said...

He looks like a little man with his haircut!

Nikki and Kade said...

He is such a handsome little man! I love the before and after pictures! You did a good job. I need a hair cut too...how brave are you?