We had the most wonderful weekend. Yesterday was one of the best days of my whole life, I think. It started Saturday morning with James taking me out to breakfast (which we never do!) then we went to Shane Co. and I got to pick out a new wedding band (I'll post some pictures after I pick it up later in the week!). The rest of Saturday was spent running errands and doing chores. Yesterday the whole family (minus my sister and her family) came to Little Man's blessing. James gave him a the most beautiful blessing. It was also such a neat experience to see how many priesthood holders we have in our family. For some reason, I've always been worried that we'd be the family that only has 3 guys up there in the circle. I had been planning (practically since I found out I was pregnant) on bearing my testimony after the blessing. I had all of these beautiful things I wanted to say about the joys of motherhood and the blessing of knowing that my family can be together forever. But we had such a busy sacrament. After the blessing, someone was confirmed, then they called a new 2nd counselor in the bishopric. After the sacrament, they asked the old 2nd counselor and his wife to speak as well as the new counselor and his wife. By the time they all got done speaking, we were already out of time. The 1st counselor stood up and was getting the meeting wrapped up. The old 2nd counselor must have seen the disappointed look on my face because I saw him lean over to the bishop and tell him that I wanted to bear my testimony. The bishop stood up and whispered in the 1st counselors ear, then they called me up to the stand. I was so grateful for the opportunity to bear my testimony in front of my family. I was grateful for a bishopric that was sensitive and willing to be flexible. It really meant a lot to me. The day continued with lunch at Jon and Bryanna's. We all just sat and ate and enjoyed the sun and each other's company. It was absolutely wonderful.
Because my testimony didn't come out exactly how I wanted it to in my rush and because some of you weren't there, I do want to say how much I love my family. I truly have a fabulous husband who takes such good care of me. My love for him grows more and more everyday, especially as I watch him with our son. I am so grateful for the sweet spirit that has joined our family. I know that the opportunity to know him and to care for him is a gift from my Heavenly Father. Since he's been born, my testimony of Heavenly Father's plan for us has grown so much. I know that this is what its all about; to be a member of a family is the reason why we are sent here. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for all of the many, many blessings he has given me.
I took tons and tons of pictures yesterday, but I don't have time to post them tonight. Its already way past my bedtime. I promise to get them up later in the week.
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
What a beautiful and wonderful testimony. I love you, dearly. Thanks for sharing :)
Great post, Tiffany
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