Monday, March 3, 2008

Overdue: The Saga Continues

I am now three days overdue. As in, I should have had a baby a long time ago. I am not holding up very well. I'm getting pretty depressed about the whole situation. I spent a good chunk of my day yesterday curled up in a ball, sobbing my little eyes out. My feet, hands, and face are swollen, and I can't sit, stand, or lie down comfortably. I'm starting to hate this. I was so grateful yesterday when my good friend M called and offered to make us dinner. Not only did I not have to cook, but it got me out of the house. I felt much better afterward. When we got home, I was feeling pretty worried about my puffiness, especially because my blood pressure was elevated. I called the after hours number for the Dr and she called right back and said not to worry. She did want me to go in and get hooked up to the monitor just to make sure the baby is still doing ok. I went to bed, but I woke up just a few hours later with really intense stomach pains. I can't remember the last time I was this sick. It was way worse than morning sickness even. I decided to stay home from school today because of it. I eventually threw up my breakfast, took a nap, and now I'm feeling much better. I'm hoping that all of the discomforts I'm experiencing are a sign that something's going on. Please, please, please let there be something going on.

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