Yesterday, I was so excited because I had big plans to take Little Man to the mall. Some of my MESA students were sitting at a table for "MESA-Rama" and I thought I might find some pants, too. I hung out with the MESA crowd for about an hour, chatting and showing off my baby, then went to hit the stores. Little Man started screaming in the first store we went into. I tried everything: the binky, walking quickly with the stroller, loosening the straps in the car seat. The only thing that worked was to take him out of the car seat and hold him. It's nearly impossible to shop, hold a baby, and push a stroller around, though. I ended up heading back to the car after about half an hour of fighting with him. My shopping trip was a total bust. I'm getting desperate to find pants at this point. I've been wearing the same two pairs of sweats for 3 1/2 weeks now, because nothing else fits. When we got home, I thought I'd take a nap. James fed Little Man a bottle and put him down for a nap, but as soon as he left for the library, the baby started crying. So my nap was a bust, too. It was not a good day.
A peaceful moment:
Today has been better. We almost made it through the whole three hours of church. We were about 15 minutes late, and left about 15 minutes early. Not bad. Little Man was a champ through most of it. He did start crying (loudly) while the sacrament was being passed. Nobody else probably noticed, but when its your kid, its so embarrassing! I got him out of his seat and cuddled with him to calm him down, and then he let an explosive fart/poop that I'm sure everyone around us heard. I was embarrassed all over again, but trying not to laugh at the same time. Gotta love it.
Little Man also had a growth spurt this week (I think). Everyone said he'd want to eat all day, but, instead, he slept for almost two days straight. He'd wake up to eat, then he'd be right back to sleep for hours. I was starting to get worried, but he snapped out of yesterday and was more like himself again. He sure is getting chubby! His little cheeks are really filling out and he's got some little rolls starting in this thighs. Too cute!
This isn't the best picture, but you can really see those chubba cheeks:
Chillin' like a big kid: (We're really hoping that left eye perks up soon!)