We've had a very fun week around here. I feel like I'm doing a good job of getting out of the house and doing something everyday. I get a little stir crazy if I don't get out of the house. We've been going to the park, and the library (I've recently discovered how awesome the children's floor of the downtown library is. I love all of the secret rooms; the Crystal Cave is my very favorite, so far. Also, I really appreciate that they have a mother's room, although I haven't had to use it yet.), and visiting our families. And Little Man is getting on a very predictable schedule. Have I mentioned that he's sleeping through the night now? He goes down at 9 and doesn't get up until 6. He's usually back in bed by 6:30 and sleeps until 8:30 or 9 again. How did I ever function getting up several times a night? Oh, yeah; I didn't.
James started his new job Thursday. He'd been training for a couple of days before that, but Thursday was his first day on his own. He didn't have a very good day. He was supposed to done at 6 and when my phone finally rang at a quarter to 8, I knew it had been a very bad day. He hadn't had anything to eat or drink all day, was coming down with a cold, and on top of everything, was supposed to be at band practice at 6:30. He's hanging in there, but hopefully things start going better for him.
Little Man has also had an exciting week. He has decided that he's way too big to lay down anymore and insists on being held upright or being propped up at all times. If things aren't going his way, he starts yelling. Not crying, but real yelling. He's also started reaching for things. We bought him some toys earlier this week and we've been practicing with him. The first day or so, we'd dangle a toy above him and he's get super focused on it. His hands would move, but they'd usually go straight into his mouth. If they did go the right direction, he'd still totally miss. That hand-eye coordination is a tricky skill. But he's getting better and better at it and most the time now he can get it on the first try.
We had a wonderful Father's Day. (Well, I thought it was nice. I hope James did, too.) We gave James his presents and his card (that Little Man helped write) and had a nice breakfast. Little Man even got to join us at the table for the first time. I've been thinking that I wished there was a way he could sit with us at the table, and then thought "Oh, duh. The highchair!" So we took it out of the box and set it up for him. It was nice have the whole family around the table. After that, we lounged around for awhile, then we went up to Logan to spend the day with my family. We had some really good hamburgers (I'm still thinking about them, Mom) and played some games. I really enjoyed myself. Little Man was pretty good. Nobody else probably thought he was being a stinker, but James and I both thought he was being grumpy compared to how he normally is. Don't you wish babies could tell you why they're being grumpy? I don't know if he wasn't feeling well, or was tired, or was just feeling out of sorts because he was in a new place. He was his normal smiley self this morning though.
Hey we like the downtown library too. Seth loves to ride up and down in the elevators. I'm really jealous that your baby sleeps that much. Seth has never slept that much in his life!
I really can only hope that my baby will be so wonderfully well-behaved as Little Man. Oh how I adore my little pickle.
I really love this blog thing. I can catch up on what's going on and see the adorable pics. Nothing can replace, however, hearing the excitement and joy in your voice when I talk to you on the phone. Hugs and kisses to all (extra ones for Little Man). Love, Mom
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