Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sleeping in the Middle

There aren't alot of parenting issues that I feel strongly about, but letting kids sleep in Mom and Dad's bed is one of them. I firmly believe it should be avoided if at all possible. (I know not everyone agrees with me on this one.) Only in the last couple of months has it really become an issue in our house. Little Man has finally realized that he can choose to get out of his bed if he wants to. It gotten especially bad over the last couple of weeks. Several nights a week, we hear the pitter-patter of his little feet and then he asks, "Mom, can I sleep in your bed?" Most nights, I'm just too tired to fight about and so I pull him up and in. I was complaining to James about this last night, and he said he didn't think it was so bad, and then he started to sing this song:

In case you don't want to watch the whole video, the chorus is

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.

I rolled my eyes and moved on to other topics. Then, this morning, just as my alarm was going off, I heard that pitter-patter. I pulled him up into bed, and as he pressed his warm little body against mine, he whispered, "Thanks for saving some room for me, Mom." If I didn't know better, I'd think these boys were out to get me.

1 comment:

Nikki and Kade said...

If that doesn't melt a mom's heart, nothing will. Good luck with that. I'm usually the one pulling E into my bed cause I need a snuggle.