Monday, January 10, 2011

Knife to the Chest

Ugh, it's Monday again. I hate Mondays. We had a basically terrible weekend, with James playing with his band both Friday and Saturday night. We'd had a such a busy week that I really made a huge effort to just stay home and relax with Little Man. The only time we left the house was to get groceries on Saturday and to visit Grandma and Grandpa for an hour on Sunday. We rested and played and made cookies and watched cartoons. I thought I had done a good job making the weekend fun for Little Man, even if nobody else had enjoyed it. Then, this morning, as I was doing one last check in mirror before ushering everyone out the door, LM came and stood in the doorway of the bathroom and asked, "Mom? Can we just stay home and be a family today?" Ouch. I forget how perceptive he is sometimes. And how he always knows just what to say to make me melt into a puddle.

1 comment:

Nikki and Kade said...

Aw, what a little sweetheart! I bet you thought about calling in sick, even if it was just for a second...