In case you can't tell, that's dirt all over his face. He ate a big handful out of a plant and he liked it! He doesn't like cookies, but he likes dirt. What kind of weird kid did we get?
He has also become a climber this week. Today, he climbed up on to our bed all by himself. I'm not even really sure how he managed that. His favorite thing to climb on, though, is the shelf that is supposed to store his toys. He pulls the baskets of toys off, climbs up on the shelf, scoots himself around so that he's facing forward, then sits there and reads a book. It's pretty cute, even if it means a big mess.
I remember taking a spoon outside when I was little and having a bit of dirt now and then. That's so funny! And really cute pictures. Kids are so funny with their eating stages, aren't they? I bet in a few weeks he'll be eating things you never thought he would (and hating the things he eats now).
That was Bryanna.
My guy did that too at the same age. He was such a good eater until one day he just wasn't. And still isn't. Luckily my daughter will eat, which is why she will shortly outweigh her big brother!
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