Noteworthy Item #1: Little Man is officially on solids.
Little Man had been unusually fussy last Wednesday and Thursday. I thought that he might be hungry, like that last time he was fussy for several days. So I did an experiment and gave him some sweet potatoes (he hadn't been a fan of the cereal). He loved them! I started with just a tablespoon or so, but he ended up eating the entire container! He was kicking in excitement and cried when the bowl was empty. It was really cute how he was sucking and chewing on the spoon. Since that first experience, I've added extra solids, since he was obviously ready. So now he gets half a serving of fruit in the morning, and cereal (organic brown rice cereal now; he seems to like it much better) and sweet potatoes for dinner.
Noteworthy Item #2: Little Man and I spent last weekend in Logan.
We spent last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with my parents. I'm a bit of homebody, so I'll admit that I didn't have high expectations for the weekend. I was surprised at how much I really enjoyed spending time with family, though, especially my parents. Since Little Man was born, I've really come to appreciate my family, in-laws included, so much more. It was wonderful to just relax and chat with my family. I was also glad that they all got to spend some quality time with Little Man. I was also very struck by how much love my parents have for each other. I've really noticed a difference in their relationship lately (or maybe I'm just finally noticing something that's always been there). They are so patient with each other and so loving. I am so grateful for their example.
The reason for the big trip was to go to Idaho and celebrate my aunt's birthday (I won't say what number it was, Aunt Bea. ;) ) It was a surprise party and she really was surprised! I hadn't been up to visit in about 6 years (I'm a homebody, remember?) and I really enjoyed myself. It was the first time most of my extended family had got to meet the little guy and I do love to show him off. He was surprisingly good, probably better than he should have been considering he barely had a nap for two days.
Four generations:
Noteworthy Item #3: James went camping while I was gone.
James has been back-packing into the Uintas practically every summer since he was 3. He wasn't able to go with his dad this year, because of work, so him and his brother went on their own over the weekend. He didn't say much about the trip, other than he was bored because they both forgot to bring anything to do and he got eaten alive by mosiquitos. I'm just glad he was able to go when I already had plans to be gone so that I didn't have to spend two weekends away from him.
Little Man was so happy to see his daddy when we got home!
Noteworthy Item #4: Stephenie Meyer's new book, Breaking Dawn, was released.
Although I was responsible and skipped the mega release parties, I did get a copy of the book the next morning. I spent the next 5 days savoring the last book of the saga. I went back and forth about whether I was liking it or not, but when it was over, I decided it was wonderful. Everything got tied up, even if it was in a slightly, anti-climatic way and I feel good about how the author left it. Part of the reason why I didn't like it at parts was because, last winter, a student of mine told me about a "theory" she'd heard about the new book. Somehow, the "theory" was actually what happened. I was slightly disappointed that it was spoiled for me, especially because I'd been so careful to not read anything about the new book at all before it was released. But I ended up liking it well enough once I got over that, and have pledged my undying love for Stephenie Meyer and have promised to own any book she ever writes.
Noteworthy Item #5: I have mastitis.
Sometime on Tuesday, I noticed that I still felt "full" after I'd nursed Little Man. I didn't think that much about it, but by evening, it was obvious that I had a blocked duct. I rubbed, and massaged, and applied heat, but I couldn't get it to un-clog. I finally just went to bed and when I woke up, it was all red and swollen and very painful. I called my midwife and she diagnosed me over the phone. She called in an antibiotic and told me to plan on spending the day on the couch. I never felt very sick, just very, very, sore. Things are a lot better today, but things are still a tad tender.
I think that's about it. Do you see why I've been putting this off? Sorry about the novel. Just as a reminder, James's band has their first gig this Saturday at Wheeler Farm, from 12:20 to 1:20. I hope you can all come!
Here are some more random pictures from the week.
Little Man is already a couch potato, just like his parents. He loves to watch TV.
Little Man is getting better and better at rolling around. He's even getting to the point where he'll roll to go get something, versus rolling just for the sake of rolling. He started in the center of this blanket
Little Man has a new habit of grabbing your face while you hold him, especially when you're trying to get him to sleep. He was being so soft and sweet this night, just patting me and staring into my eyes. It makes it all worth it.
As an experiment this morning, I just handed Little Man his bottle. He knows what it is, but I didn't know if he knew how to work it. He took it with both hands, then tipped it up and put it straight into his mouth. He didn't hold it up by himself for very long, but he certainly knows how to.
I've been wondering when you would be able to pull your head out of Stephenie-Meyer-land and post. Don't worry, though. You know I'm just as guilty. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Hope you're feeling better.
You're such a cute mommy, Tiff. Sorry about the mastitis thing - that's no fun, but I do love watching Little Man grow up! He's such a cutie boy!
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