Sunday, March 28, 2010


I'll bet that you thought I died, right? Fell off the face of the Earth? Or maybe you just thought that I'm a full-time teacher who is also the mother of a 2-year-old and that maybe blogging rarely makes it to the top of the list anymore?

I realize I haven't blogged in two months, and I really wish I had been. Little Man has been growing tons and tons and I haven't documented any of it. Shoot. Here are the highlights that I can remember:
  • He had RSV (we think) at the end of January. James called me at work one morning to tell me that Little Man had thrown up and couldn't breathe. I left work early and ended up spending the afternoon at the doctor's office getting albuteral treatments and x-rays. He was fine in a couple of days, but it was very scary. The best part of the experience was what good boy he was about the whole thing. He wore his dinosaur mask with gusto! And when we got the x-rays, the tech told me all about how Little Man would probably cry, but only because he was uncomfortable and that it would actually make the x-ray turn out better. Little Man didn't even complain at all. I had told him we were on a "Dinosaur Adventure" and made a game out of the whole thing, and it worked. I've got a great kid.

  • Little Man turned two! If you ask him how old he is, he will tell you that he is six. Sometimes he acts more like a six-year-old than a two-year-old. He is very, very smart. He's learning his letters now. And he still loves dinosaurs. At his two-year-check up, he told the doctor that his favorite dinosaur was brachiosaurus, and then she started talking about skipping kindergarten. If he wasn't already small for his age, we might actually think about it.

  • He got a big boy bed! Yea! He's been sleeping in it for almost a month and it still hasn't occurred to him that he doesn't need someone to come get him in the morning. I think this is hilarious.
  • He's very nearly potty-trained. In the last week or so, he's only had 2 or 3 accidents. I'm sure he'll regress again, but he seems to be on an upward swing for now.
Also, and this is just for posterity, here is a list of some of Little Man's favorite things right now:
  • Favorite Book: Mr. and Mrs. Noah by Lois Lenski
  • Favorite Color: Green
  • Favorite Food: Fruit Snacks (or, as he calls them, fruit candies)
  • Favorite TV Show: Handy Manny
  • Favorite Thing to Do: Look for airplanes in the sky
  • Favorite Word: Mommy (Or any variation thereof. He often refers to me as Mom, Mama, Ma, Mother, Tiffy, and Honey. All of them are getting old.)
  • Favorite Movie: The Land Before Time
And, finally, here are a few pictures.
With Daddy.
Reading a story with A and Uncle David. He LOVES his cousins!

He went through a phase where he liked to lay in the pack and play and read stories. Sadly, this was a short phase.
I'm not sure, but I think he's being a T-Rex in this picture.


Bryanna Johnson said...

He's a fun little guy. Nice to read a post from you!

Blaire said...

Awesome! You boy is hilarious.