Friday, October 23, 2009

Boy Genius

In the last few days, I have become convinced that my son is a boy wonder. He is learning so much, so fast. Things I don't think kids his age should have a grasp of yet. Here are a few examples:

  • Earlier in the week, when he had a sore throat, I gave him some chocolate milk and he learned to say "choca". Last night, we had gone to the store for a treat and ended up with some mini Hersey bars. James gave Little Man a small piece of one, and he said, "Mmm... choca." I thought it was amazing that he recognized the flavor of chocolate in an entirely different form.
  • During this same chocolate episode, when he was done with his piece and wanted more, instead of yelling at us, he simply said, "peas" (please). We gave him some, of course, then he said "tanks." Amazing!
  • Tonight, I was looking at a book with Little Man. At the end, there is the music for the song that goes with the story. When we got to the page with the music, he pointed to it and started saying "Daddy," then took the book to James. He has figured out that James knows what to do with all those lines and dots!
  • Also, he is extremely interested in the potty. He can say the word "potty," he asks to sit on it (although he has yet to actually do anything on it), and he knows what mommy and daddy are doing on it. This makes me very excited!
For reals, though, is this a normal amount of smarts for a kid his age or do I need to start saving for the Ivy League tuition now?


Nikki and Kade said...

Start saving, sis! You've got a little Dexter on your hands.

Bryanna Johnson said...

He's definitely a smartie!

Blaire said...

I think they know how to do this stuff a long time before they actually show us they know it. Kids brains are amazing things for sure!