1. He is sleeping through the night again.
On Tuesday night, Little Man was up from 1:30 to almost 3. I've never been so mad at my baby. He didn't seem to want anything in particular, just to be awake and with mom. I never really got back to sleep after I got him back down. The next day, I went to the library and checked out every book they had about how to get your baby to sleep and bought myself some earplugs. In one book, I read that if he was getting up at the same time every night, to try to rouse him an hour before he was due to wake, just to disrupt his schedule. So I set my alarm for 1 am, got up and rubbed his back until he started sucking on his binky. And he's slept through the night ever since. (We did have a little bit of a rough night on Friday, but he ended up crying himself to sleep after a while.)
2. He is crawling.
On Thursday, I was very excited because Little Man scooted one knee while we were practicing crawling after school. When James got home, I wanted to show him the progress, so we put Little Man on his knees and put his binky out in front of him. And he just crawled over to it! We tried again, and he crawled again! It's like something just clicked for him. He's still a little wobbly, but he's getting better and better.
3. He is pulling himself up.
Today, when I went in to get him up from his nap, he had pulled himself up and was balancing on his knees.
4. He can move to a sitting position from his tummy.
This might not seem like a big milestone, but this means that I no longer have to sit him up and that he can get to his hands and knees without falling down first.
5. He can dance.
The lady that runs the daycare has been playing the "Mama Mia" soundtrack a lot this week (James is not thrilled about his exposure to ABBA), and one night at home, I noticed Little Man bouncing up and down to some music. I have a super cute video of it, but for some reason I can't get it to upload. (Does anyone have any idea why? It seems like every time I try to upload something, it never works.)
That's all for this week. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I can't wait to see you all on Thursday! Make sure we play some music and make him wiggle for us.
So cute! Bitty did that too - when she was 8 months she went from nothing to two weeks later being able to sit, crawl, pull herself up. Crazy!!!!!
I'm glad he's sleeping for you!
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