Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Boy's Prayer

Warning: This story might be offensive and cause intense laughter. Proceed with caution.

This actually happened a couple of weeks ago, but every time I tell this story, I end up with tears rolling down my face because I'm laughing so hard. And I keep thinking... I need to blog this!

We were saying the prayer at bedtime, and Little Man was repeating the words that James was saying. Here's what was said:

James: Please bless LM to grow big and strong.

LM: Please bless LM to grow big and strong in his wiener.

And now you know the deepest desire of Little Man's soul, and I would venture to guess, the soul of every male on the planet.


Bryanna Johnson said...

That is really really funny. I laughed out loud. It's just innate, isn't it? The penis fixation, I mean.

Rachel said...

Oh, I'm offended. Okay, I'm not, I'm just laughing like crazy. How funny. Love those little boy prayers!