Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Top 5 Ways I Know I'm the Mother of a Toddler

5. It is not unheard of that I will spend my morning wiping applesauce off of the walls.

4. In my purse, you will find a binky, a container of cheerios, and a book with Elmo on the cover.

3. I probably couldn't tell you the top news story of the day, but I could tell you what Dora explored and which letter brought us Sesame Street this morning.

2. There are certain words I won't say aloud anymore; if I need to use them in conversation, I spell them.

1. My heart melts every time Little Man learns something new, which seems to happen several times a day.


tiffrsmith said...

I'm noticing that there are lots of pictures of Little Man eating. Can you tell that its been a source of conflict lately? Whenever he tries a new food, I snap a picture.

Bryanna Johnson said...

Cute. I hear you!