Merry Christmas! Ok, so I'm a few days behind. But you're all used to that by now, right? We had a great Christmas around here. It was very relaxing. On Christmas Eve, I made the traditional Funeral Potatoes and Ham dinner (my grandma makes it for her Christmas Eve get-together every year, but since I couldn't be there, I made it myself), watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on tv, and made some pies for the next day. It was wonderful. Little Man woke up early the next morning (5:30), so I let James sleep while I fed him and made some Gingerbread Waffles for the two of us. After that we opened presents. Little Man didn't really get it and I found myself wondering why I had even bothered to wrap anything for him since James and I were the ones unwrapping it all. Although we didn't buy him much in the way of toys, our living room now looks like a toy store. He got spoiled by his grandmas and aunts. He stills prefers to play with his bottles or other weird things rather than play with all the wonderful toys, though. Figures... After a leisurely morning of playing with new toys, we made it out to Rush Valley to spend the day with James' family. We had a wonderful time. By the time we headed home, the snow was just starting. It was a very long ride home.
Little Man is busier than ever these days. He's constantly either getting into something he shouldn't, or he's climbing up my leg. He's gotten very attached to me lately, too. He won't play in a room by himself anymore. If I walk out of the room, he follows me to where ever I'm going. He's also been really struggling with his teeth. He's had a very runny nose and been very slobbery, and very grumpy, but nothing has broken through yet. It seems like his teeth are taking a lot normal than average to get through. He's struggled on and off for the last few months but its been fairly constant for the last week or so. I feel so bad for him, but he won't let me do much for him.
Also, in other news, I made my first batch of homemade baby food today! James got me the book "Super Baby Food" for Christmas, and I read almost the entire thing yesterday. I got some kale and some broccoli at the store today, steamed it, pureed it, and put it in the freezer. I was so proud of all of my super green, healthy-looking "food cubes." I stirred some of the broccoli into a jar of Turkey with Rice for Little Man's dinner, and he loved it! Yea!
Here are some pictures from the week:
We went to see the lights at Temple Square last Sunday. We bundled Little Man up and headed out early, before it got super cold or super busy. It was a wonderful evening.
Please ignore the family posing for their picture.
Maybe I'm just not very observant, but I don't remember them putting the nativity on the reflecting pool in years past. Do I just have a faulty memory, or was this new? Either way, I thought it was stunning.Little Man got spoons in his stocking. I think they were a hit.
You know what I hate? When you think you're going to get a super cute picture of your first born's first Christmas, only to discover that your baby had a HUGE BOOGER when the picture was snapped.
Copycat Chick-fil-A Chicken Minis
6 days ago